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Research Blog

  • Writer's pictureStefan Irimiciuc

Updated: May 2, 2023

14th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-14), Dubrovnik, Croatia in September.

Here I gave two talks and I had a poster presentation for which I was awarded the prize for the best poster presentation given by a young reseracher.

The International Conference on Lasers, Plasma, and Radiation – Science and Technology (ICLPR-ST) Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, Romania, between June 7-10, 2022. is organised by INFLPR and aimed is to bring together researchers from the field of lasers, plasma, and radiation from Romania and abroad providing a unique environment for sharing and promoting the latest scientific and technological developments.

Updated: May 2, 2023

In the 8th edition of the „Rada Mihalcea pentru Tineri Cercetători în Știință și Inginerie" awards which are dedicated to young scientists with extraordinary contributions to their domain, I was awarded a prize.

It was a special moment of appreciation for me and other 5 fellow exceptional young researchers.

  • Writer's pictureStefan Irimiciuc

2021, Our paper on oxidation processes during pulsed laser deposition of AgxOy was chosen as one of the covers of Plasma Processes and Polymers

In 2021, the paper on pulsed laser deposition of copper halides was fatured by the Journal of Applied Physics

In 2020 our paper on Langmuir probe investigations of Ag plasmas was chosen as the cover page for Plasma Processes and Polymers

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